A quilled card can be used on many different occasions. It deppends on the wording used on the card cover. This is one of the reasons that I only write the wording on my cards when I'm going to use them. I hope you liked this ones.
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014
Para Qualquer Ocasião
Um cartão em quilling pode ser utilizado para várias e diferentes ocasiões. Tudo depende dos dizeres que você colocar na capa. Este é um dos motivos pelos quais eu tenho optado em colocar os dizeres somente na hora em que vou utilizar o cartão! Espero que tenham gostado deste.
A quilled card can be used on many different occasions. It deppends on the wording used on the card cover. This is one of the reasons that I only write the wording on my cards when I'm going to use them. I hope you liked this ones.
A quilled card can be used on many different occasions. It deppends on the wording used on the card cover. This is one of the reasons that I only write the wording on my cards when I'm going to use them. I hope you liked this ones.
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