
sábado, 15 de março de 2014

Tudo Branco

Este é o cartão que fiz para o novo desafio no Christmas Inspirations.  E eu gostaria de convidar você para participar.  A proposta é usar apenas branco na produção do seu projeto.  Vale usar cristais adesivados ou pérolas, desde que em cor transparente ou natural (pérola).  Nada colorido. Vamos participar?

This is the card I made for the new challenge at Christmas Inspirations challenge blog.  And I would like to invite you to join us there.  The challenge rule is "Use only white".  You can add transparent or natural flatened stones.  Come and play!

With this card I'm entering on the following challenges:

Crafty Hazelnut's - Extra for March - Christmas

3 comentários:

  1. Thanks for entering your lovely card for my CHNC challenge extra for March - hope to see you again soon - you could also enter this for our Suzy Bee's Bloomin' challenge 21: white on white - would love to see it there too. x

  2. Please ignore the last comment about entering Suzy Bee's challenge 21 - I saw Saturday at the top of your post and was thinking it was today, but now I realise it was posted last Saturday which was before the Suzy Bee challenge started and wouldn't be allowed - sorry about that x

  3. stunning!!!! So glad you joined us for our CHNC challenge extra this month


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